Music: Trump+VP: The Gold & Silver Duo

So my VP commentary goes like this… (or you can skip to the bottom where the music is)…

Ehhh, nope on Newt, see my tweets here all with attachments/photos:

Screen Shot 2016-07-13 at 1.20.31 PM
twitter. com/Proverbs_29_2/status/753121498089529345


Screen Shot 2016-07-13 at 1.25.43 PMAnti-National Sovereignty is what I wanted to write,
but those 140 twitter characters put a damper on that:
twitter. com/Proverbs_29_2/status/753123536148041729


Screen Shot 2016-07-13 at 1.26.12 PM
twitter. com/Proverbs_29_2/status/753125704859025408


Screen Shot 2016-07-13 at 1.26.37 PM
twitter. com/Proverbs_29_2/status/753126619372515329


And I read up on the military guy, Mr. Flynn, ehhh, nope! 

–He’s too much of a warmongerer; he’s a Democrat (oil & water don’t mix, Mr. Trump!); he thinks “social issues” should not matter & people who think so “should stay home & not vote.”  Well, well.  He should try reading Liberty Counsel (’s press releases & email news alerts for one month & he would see HOW & WHY socalled “social issues” DO matter!  That shows he’s either been holed up in caves too long with the military (totally detached from REAL LIFE), or he is just a heartless schmuck.

–He also thinks women should be able to kill their own babies for any reason or whim.  So he’s doubly-heartless.

–Also, I don’t trust people who have worked their entire lives in huge “corporate” entities, such as the military, government agencies, even structured corporations, etc.  They never learn how to be critical thinkers, but are mentally suppressed by corporate “group think.”  (That doesn’t necessarily apply if you’re the Boss! 🙂

–Update later today:  Tweet from another govt./Intelligence man who is evidently not a Trump fan:

–Lastly, Flynn’s choice of “Field of Fight” book title reminds me of the Valley of Megiddo (aka Jezreel), a huge valley/field approximately 100-150 miles N of Jerusalem where, at some point in the future, the deceiving “lying frogs” (lying spirits) described in Revelation, will entice all the armies of the world to gather themselves in that valley so they can then march S to wage war against Jerusalem.  No doubt Flynn will be there.  And I think Mr. Trump will lose if he chooses Flynn as VP.


And I read that Mr. Pence is against Mr. Trump’s temporary Muslim ban:

So, ehhh, nope, on him!

Now, Mr. Jeff Sessions, I believe, would be fine, especially because he knows the Constitution well & he’s been “in the political biz” a long time.  And I wouldn’t even mind Mr. Chris Christie as VP because he showed that he had the good sense to get on the Trump Train as soon as he exited the primaries race without dilly-dallying around forever like all the other losers & hold-outs.  So I liked that about Christie.

With all that said, I still want to “nominate” Mr. Bill Mitchell @Mitchellvii for fun.  He is adamantly pro-Trump from Day One.  (And he has a very encouraging twitter feed no matter what’s going down in the Trump campaign or media or RINO-World, etc., good or bad, he always is able to paint-it-positive.)  It was fun playing around with the idea of Mitchell for VP, like so:


Haha, well, it was fun thinking about it.  The “attack dog” comment was in this tweet @Politics1com:

Looks like things are heating up later today/Wed. 7/13/16, in the Trump VP dept. per these other tweets at same source (which Roger Stone recommends which is why I began keeping an eye on their tweets.  Roger says this is where reporters go to get their scoop).  Boo on all these, except Christie, & Sessions!


Here are some “leftovers” for Mitchell plus some of the other “Silver Foxes.” (Mr. Trump is the Gold, of course.)


NOW FOR THE MUSIC SECTION!  My favorite part.  🙂

I couldn’t find any songs I liked that included both Gold & Silver, so I’m adding separate songs for each.  (There’s an oldie Burle Ives “Silver & Gold” Christmas song on YouTube but we’re in the wrong season for that.)


First a jazzy instrumental from an old Frank Sinatra movie, the title is perfect for Mr. Trump, haha:

 (Theme From) The Man With The Golden Arm

by Richard Maltby and His Orchestra (1955):

Moving forward to a little “gold funk.”  Supposedly David Bowie (1947-2016, died at age 69) wrote this song for Elvis to sing but, supposedly again, Elvis rejected it.  Bowie’s first wife reportedly said that Bowie wrote it for her (but I don’t know why as she would not have been in her “Golden Years” in 1975), but Elvis would have been 40 that year.  So from Bowie’s perspective, who was not even 30 years old yet in 1975, Elvis probably seemed “old,” lol.  (Elvis died at age 42 in 1977.)  So Bowie performed this song on Soul Train in 1975 for himself, the first “Whitey” to ever be on Soul Train, lol! – I had to ask Google what years exactly are considered “Golden Years.”  It replied that the age of retirement, circa age 65, is usually considered the “Golden Years.”  So how about that, I’m not quite yet into my “Golden Years.”  Hurray!

Golden Years – David Bowie (1975):

Today was the very first time I ever heard of these next guys, even though this song of theirs is 33 years old!  It’s an instrumental/extended, plus the usual vocal version included.  Kind of cool, actually.  The title is simply, GOLD!

GOLD (Extended Version)

by Spandau Ballet (UK group) from 1983:

One more, a 1984 creation by John Denver who was asked to write something for the Winter Olympics that year, so that is really the underlying meaning, but the words could apply to life in general.  The tune definitely has that JD signature sound; his voice always sounds like an eagle in flight.  He was only 54 when he died (1943-1997).  He loved creation but was not a fan of the Creator.

The Gold And Beyond – John Denver (1984):


A fun “Silver” Sing-A-Long from the “Old Days.”  I rediscovered Mitch Miller recently, & am loving it.  You cannot resist getting happy with these harmonized male-chorus oldies.

By the Light of the Silvery Moon

Mitch Miller & The Sing-Along Gang (1958):

Oh dear oh dear, the FemiNazis will go screaming into the night at the lyrics of this next “Silver Jewel,” lol.  It’s a great lively tune, but the words, whoa Nellie.  Check this out, hilarious…

Silver Dollar (1955) – Teresa Brewer


Here’s a whole page of songs with “GOLD” in the title (I did not listen to them all, in either list; not a fan of “Country Twang” so I usually skip those, & most of the newer stuff I passed by as well):

And here’s another list of songs with “SILVER” in the title:


That’s all folks!


17 thoughts on “Music: Trump+VP: The Gold & Silver Duo

  1. HOT HOT HOT New Update! I was just re-watching the “Tremendous Potential” Trump video in the right sidebar here, the one created by Niskey (which is fantastic if you’ve never watched it), so decided to go see if Niskey had anything new at YT, & sure enough!!!

    Earlier yesterday, Wed. 7/13/16, he was reading at the Hill & saw a headline in the sidebar that said that Trump Had Announced his VP, so he clicked on it & the article said Trump has chosen CHRIS CHRISTIE! But when Niskey refreshed the page or whatever, the page then screamed “ACCESS DENIED” all the sudden.

    Niskey says newspapers create their articles online & sometimes mess up not realizing the page is actually LIVE when the article is not really ready for publication yet. That makes sense to me because I’ve seen bloggers who use desktop blogging software actually working on their articles LIVE & changing things in real time. So I bet it’s the same sort of thing.

    So ANYWAY!!! Yeehaw! At least Trump’s VP is NOT NEWT! I kind of feel guilty knowing already, if Trump wants it to be a secret/surprise until his Friday Press Conference at 11am in Manhattan.

    Here’s Niskey’s 4+ minute 7/13/16 video about Christie as Trump VP, showing you the Hill pages, etc.:



  2. From Friday 7/15/16 @3:30pm, more “hot” news… if it can be believed, but Trump’s gut wanted Christie, per below Slate article, but Manafort was pressuring Trump to go with Pence! So maybe the above accidental-leak from The Hill, as originally reported by Niskey, was right after all (!??)

    7/15/16: “Reports: Trump Asked Aides at Midnight Last Night If It Was Too Late to Dump Pence”:
    The Paul Manafort wing of the Trump campaign reportedly pushed for the selection of Mike Pence as VP almost because he wasn’t the candidate that Trump liked best.
    “And so what this tells us is that this was so out of Donald Trump’s comfort zone. He does not operate like this.”

    Trump was leaning toward New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie while his top aides were beating the drum for Pence, the report said.

    “He operates with the gut, and by all accounts if you were following the gut, he would have gone with Chris Christie,” Bash said. “Everybody around him in the campaign apparatus had been making these moves to make it so Mike Pence would be his running mate.”

    Full article at above link.

    Of course, who can believe the media? They could be making all that up just to throw angst into the campaign. A Trump rep denied any of it was true.


  3. I meant to add, “That’s what ‘cha get, Mr. Trump, for hiring ‘professional advisers’ vs. going with your gut.” But hey, maybe it will work out OK, even though you may be uncomfortable the entire time for not having followed your gut.

    I liked Christie, too, for the main reason that he had the good sense to get on your side ASAP after he exited the primary race. And isn’t he an attorney? I also like kick-butt attorneys. They are a necessity in today’s dog-eat-dog world.


  4. I’m catching up on tweets for the past 24-hours. Just saw this one dated 20-hours-ago, which by my current time 6:37am Sat. 7/16/16, would have been posted circa Fri. 7/15/16 @ 10:37am. And GET THIS!!! This was obviously posted BEFORE the further above tweets from Fri. afternoon re Trump wanting to dump Pence at the “11th Hour” Thurs. night.

    But what kind of way is this to talk about your boss? Shame on Manafort! (if you can even believe this Politics1com feed):


    1. That is REALLY tacky, if Manfort really said that. Any respect just nosedived for that guy!

      *IF* Trump “acted out” at all, it was probably due to being PRESSURED by Manfort to pick Pence when Trump wanted to go with bull-dog Christie!

      Sometimes, too many “advisors” is just too much (kids, family, + political advisers, all suggesting Trump pick this, that, & the other one. Kind of makes you want to walk out of the room & ignore them all & just decide for yourself, I bet).


  5. Here’s another one, same source, from 22 hours ago, which would have been 8:50am (my time) Fri. 7/15/16:

    I guess I missed the “advanced leak” re Pence as VP. But if Trump felt Pence’s Camp leaked it, no wonder he was itching to dump the guy at the last minute.


  6. Eeek, IF this one is even true, I’m glad it didn’t work out. No way do we want ANY of those GW Bush creeps back in office:

    That one says July 14/Thurs.


    1. Ah ha! I should have read a few more before posting the above; Rice denies speaking to Trump:

      Since the original Rice rumor source was CNN (Clinton News Network), it wouldn’t be beyond them to simply be making up stuff.


  7. Sorry about that, CC. This from 7/14-Thurs.:


  8. Olivia Nuzzi ‏@Olivianuzzi Jul 14
    Just got off the phone with Newt Gingrich. Sounded agitated. Of reports that Pence is VP, he says, “Well, I don’t have any comment.”

    Olivia Nuzzi ‏@Olivianuzzi Jul 14
    He added that he is waiting to comment until tomorrow because, “I’m part of the team.”

    Olivia Nuzzi ‏@Olivianuzzi Jul 14
    And then he hung up. Everybody is hanging up on me today!

    Olivia Nuzzi ‏@Olivianuzzi Jul 14
    So Gingrich lost his Fox contract for…what, exactly?


  9. Well, people are now raving about Pence (on @Mitchellvii twitter) after having watched Pence on Hannity, so I’m having to watch it now. Here ya go:


    1. As a “welcoming tune” for Mike Pence, the only song that comes to mind (without hunting for something) is the kids’ Nursery Rhyme song, “Sing a Song of Six Pence,” lol. A few of the lyrics could apply:

      Lyrics (from Wiki):

      Sing a song of six pence,
      A pocket full of rye.
      Four and twenty blackbirds,
      Baked in a pie.

      When the pie was opened,
      The birds began to sing;
      Wasn’t that a dainty dish,
      To set before the king?

      The king [Trump] was in his counting house,
      Counting out his money;
      The queen [Melania] was in the parlour,
      Eating bread and honey.

      The maid was in the garden,
      Hanging out the clothes,
      When down came a blackbird
      And pecked off her nose.

      Wiki says: “The final line of the fourth verse is sometimes slightly varied, with nose pecked or nipped off. One of the following additional verses is often added to moderate the ending” [& I say that’s because they’ve made kids such big sissies who can’t handle a JOKE in a Nursery Rhyme!]:

      They sent for the king’s doctor,
      who sewed it on again;
      He sewed it on so neatly,
      the seam was never seen.


      There was such a commotion,
      that little Jenny wren
      Flew down into the garden,
      and put it back again.


  10. I’ll have to change my mind re Mike Flynn. Great interview here with Spiegel from July 15, 2016:

    7/15/2016 07:02 PM
    Trump Foreign Policy Advisor
    ‘Americans Are Fed Up With the Bullshit’

    In an interview with SPIEGEL, Donald Trump advisor Mike Flynn explains why the presumptive Republican Party presidential candidate admires authoritarian leaders and considers the US foreign policy of recent years to be a disaster.

    Mike Flynn, 57, the former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), has served as a foreign policy advisor to Donald Trump since the autumn of 2015. For a time, Flynn had been considered as a possible vice presidential candidate for Trump before the announcement Friday that Indiana Governor Mike Pence would be made his Republican Party running mate.

    SPIEGEL: General, we are here to say goodbye.

    Flynn: Why goodbye?

    SPIEGEL: Donald Trump announced that if he wins the election, he will not continue trans-Atlantic relations in their current form. He has threatened to withdraw the United States from NATO.

    Flynn: This is where I think the world has misread Donald Trump. He has no intention to step away without examining all relationships that we have. His intent is to relook at the way we are organized globally, where the US is sort of expected to be a global leader, but relook at these alliances and these charters that we are under to make sure that they are still viable for the 21st century. It doesn’t mean that President Trump comes into office and NATO goes away. But I would say that NATO as a political alliance does need to be relooked at in terms of everything — resourcing, capabilities.

    SPIEGEL: Now you are challenging NATO after all.

    Flynn: NATO was formed post-World War II. We’re a little bit more than a half-century old. Do we want NATO to go on for another half-century? I think that the answer is, sitting here today: I don’t know. If I had to bet on it, I would say, yeah, we have to have these alliances going forward and see who’s going to pay for them.

    SPIEGEL: Germany obviously plays an important role in Trump’s considerations. He addressed Germany specifically and demanded that the German government pay in the future for the security provided by the American troops stationed there — otherwise they could be withdrawn.

    Flynn: We have to look at the cost of resourcing the US military around the world. How is that cost incurred, and how is that cost paid for? I’ll give you an example. The Chinese get over 40 percent of their oil from the Middle East through the Persian Gulf, but have you ever seen a Chinese aircraft carrier sitting inside the Persian Gulf? For at least 40 years, the United States of America has been guaranteeing Chinese energy supplies. Sitting here today, the US provides funds to, honest to God, 99 percent of the countries on the planet. We even give North Korea humanitarian aid. We give them food, and God knows what they do with it. They probably feed it to the crooks in the headquarters. This is not about an antagonistic relationship with Germany or NATO. This is about looking and examining what the needs are going forward for the 21st century and who is going pay for it.

    SPIEGEL: In December, Trump cursed German Chancellor Angela Merkel, complaining that she was too soft in the refugee crisis. Is that not counterproductive for cooperation?

    Flynn: Yes.

    SPIEGEL: Beside the factual questions, he was very tough in his language.

    Flynn: I think all of Europe has been too soft on the refugee crisis.

    SPIEGEL: But he offended Merkel. Does that serve to strengthen alliances?

    Flynn: If she was offended by it, she was offended by it. That’s the business. But the point was the really incredibly poor decisions when it comes to allowing this unbelievable, unprecedented refugee crisis that’s going on in Europe. Why are these people rushing to the beauty and strength of Europe and to the United States and not rushing to their own capitals or the capitals of the Muslim world? We ought to be pushing back. We ought to be putting people back on these boats and putting them back into the places where they came from and telling these leaders in the Arab world, “You have a responsibility as well.” I don’t think that Europe responded in a way that they should have responded, and I think that’s what Mr. Trump was reacting to.

    SPIEGEL: Can you explain Trump’s fascination for strong leaders like Vladimir Putin or Saddam Hussein, whom he recently praised as an effective hunter of terrorists?

    Flynn: He respects people who are selfish about their country. Putin is a guy who is very selfish about Russia and about the Russian federation, and he understands the history of his country. You can’t say, “I don’t like you.” You’ve got to respect him. He’s a world leader.

    SPIEGEL: Is Putin a reliable partner for America?

    Flynn: Putin will be a reliable partner for certain things for the United States, yes. Absolutely. We need to have a relationship from the top to the bottom, same with China.

    SPIEGEL: Trump just urged Saudi Arabia and Japan to become nuclear powers as well. With comments like that, is he not encouraging a dangerous nuclear arms race?

    Flynn: The threat of nuclear warfare is very, very low. Trump is no fool, and he sees the world as a globalized world. In the conversation we’re having right now, we’re talking about historical aspects of regions of the world, so sort of world history. It’s not that he needs a lesson in world history, but it’s very important that you understand the history of Europe, the history of Africa, the history of the Middle East. What are the trends that we could expect to see in the next few years, like the next 10 to 50? Will there be another major war? Will there be a war between China and the United States? We talked a lot about that, and we talked about sort of what were the “What Ifs?” What are the potentials, and what are the things you need to be prepared for when you step into office?

    SPIEGEL: North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un endorsed Trump and pledged to support him in the campaign.

    Flynn: I found it funny. I mean, the guy is smoking cigarettes while they’re launching missiles. Trump probably laughed about it, like I did.

    SPIEGEL: How important is foreign policy to Trump?

    Flynn: His No. 1 priority is the US economy, but I would say foreign policy and national security are in the top, probably, two if not three topics.

    SPIEGEL: His foreign policy speeches have sounded vague and in some parts even contradictory. Would you agree that there is no solid foreign policy program right now?

    Flynn: No. Foreign policy is about US national security, it is definitely not non-intervention. It is definitely not isolationist. That’s where people want to hear what they want to hear and not listen to what he says. It is about national security for the United States, and that’s fine.

    SPIEGEL: Either way, he is demanding in his speeches that other countries take care of their own problems.

    Flynn: And I think that’s right — that the United States should not have to intervene in every single problem around the world. The voters of this country are reacting in a very big, broad way to Mr. Trump. They are frustrated by lousy decisions made by both George W. Bush and Barack Obama. Look at the mess we have.

    SPIEGEL: Are you speaking about the Iraq war?

    Flynn: We’re speaking about three incredibly stupid decisions. The first one was the invasion in Iraq. They said there was a nuclear weapons thing, but we were actually responding to the attack of 9/11. All of a sudden, somebody threw in this other, like, “Hey, maybe we can use this as an excuse.”

    SPIEGEL: That was Bush’s decision. What about Obama?

    Flynn: Obama’s decision to leave, to not sustain the victory that resulted after eight years of fighting, from 2003 to 2011 in Iraq, was another incredibly stupid decision. It was totally based on politics, not based on any notion of national security. It’s a nightmare for our national security. And then you have the Libya intervention.

    SPIEGEL: You’re speaking about the decision by NATO to overthrow Libyan dictator Muammar Gadhafi in the fall of 2011.

    Flynn: You look at Libya, and you go, “Jesus, why the hell did we do that?” That’s beyond stupid. That’s so irresponsible and dangerous for our national security and frankly for the national security of Europe because you go and you look at where a lot of these refugees are coming out of, they’re coming out of Misrata and Tripoli.

    SPIEGEL: Trump would not repeat those kinds of mistakes?

    Flynn: He would avoid those stupid decisions. When you look back, history is not going to be kind to these last 16 years.

    SPIEGEL: For a long time, conservatives have pushed for the export of democracy and human rights. Will that come to an end if Trump becomes president?

    Flynn: Yes, because it’s wrong. The United States acted under a misinterpretation of a concept that we wanted to implement the system of democracy all around the world.

    SPIEGEL: After the harsh words about Muslims, many view Mr. Trump as being racist and an enemy of freedom of religion.

    Flynn: The wording was sort of wrong and I would not have said it the way he said it. But I also would not try to be politically correct either. There must be a ban for individuals who espouse this notion of radical Islamism, period.

    SPIEGEL: Why is Trump so harsh in his choice of words?

    Flynn: Trump is a fighter. Imagine a boxing match. You go into that fight bigger than you are. And he learned a lot in the last months. The quotes you are talking about are months old. Remember the box fight: You start as a southpaw, you go back to fighting as a right-handed fighter.

    SPIEGEL: How does Donald Trump react when you criticize him?

    Flynn: He’s a great listener, and he’s a good challenger. He doesn’t come across as a person who thinks he knows it all. In fact, he once told me he has had lot of things to learn.

    SPIEGEL: He also says he has a very good brain or that he learned all about foreign policy during his time as a businessman. How is it possible to advise someone like that?

    Flynn: I know Donald Trump as a very adaptive person. In my nearly three and a half decades of being in the military, I’ve had maybe one, maybe two guys that I’ve worked for that were that adaptive in combat. He adapts to the great challenges, with his own sort of street smarts and his instincts.

    SPIEGEL: Do these personal traits make a good president?

    Flynn: Definitely a better one than all the (former) governors who were in politics all their life. Trump realized that you had to drive a stake through the heart of this establishment and that millions of Americans do not feel represented by this sort of clique in Washington. Now he is on top of many polls, everything else he can learn when he has reached the White House.

    SPIEGEL: So we will hear him using a more presidential tone?

    Flynn: He will never give up his style, his way to target his enemies. The Americans are fed up with the bullshit they heard for many years. They want the truth, they want to believe what their leaders are saying again. Trump is such an underdog, a fighter — a man who rebels against the establishment, against all kinds of resistance. That is what Americans love.


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